
Understanding the Lady Bird Deed: A Powerful Estate Planning Tool


When it comes to estate planning, the Lady Bird Deed is a valuable tool that can help individuals protect their property and ensure a smooth transfer of assets. In this article, we’ll explore what a Lady Bird Deed is, how it works, and its benefits. Let’s delve into this unique estate planning strategy!

What is a Lady Bird Deed?

A Lady Bird Deed, also known as an enhanced life estate deed, is a legal instrument that allows property owners to retain control over their property during their lifetime while ensuring a seamless transfer of the property to designated beneficiaries upon their passing.

How Does a Lady Bird Deed Work?

  1. Retaining Control:
    • With a Lady Bird Deed, the property owner retains full control over the property, including the right to sell, mortgage, or make changes to the property without needing consent from the beneficiaries.
  2. Avoiding Probate:
    • Upon the property owner’s passing, the property automatically transfers to the designated beneficiaries without the need for probate court involvement.
  3. Medicaid Planning:
    • Lady Bird Deeds can be a valuable tool for Medicaid planning as they do not trigger Medicaid eligibility issues or require Medicaid estate recovery.

Benefits of Using a Lady Bird Deed

  1. Avoiding Probate:
    • Lady Bird Deeds bypass the probate process, saving time, money, and ensuring a smoother transfer of property.
  2. Retaining Control:
    • Property owners maintain control over their property, allowing them to enjoy and manage their assets during their lifetime.
  3. Medicaid Planning:
    • Lady Bird Deeds can help protect property from Medicaid estate recovery while still allowing the property owner to qualify for Medicaid benefits.

Comparison Table: Lady Bird Deed vs. Traditional Deed

AspectLady Bird DeedTraditional Deed
Avoids ProbateYesNo
Retains ControlYesNo
Medicaid PlanningYesNo
lady bird deed

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Can a Lady Bird Deed be revoked?
    • Yes, a Lady Bird Deed can be revoked or amended as long as the property owner is mentally competent.
  2. Does a Lady Bird Deed affect property taxes?
    • Generally, a Lady Bird Deed does not trigger property tax reassessment, but it’s advisable to consult with local tax authorities.
  3. Are Lady Bird Deeds recognized in all states?
    • No, Lady Bird Deeds are not recognized in all states. It’s essential to consult with an attorney familiar with your state’s laws.
  4. Can I use a Lady Bird Deed for any type of property?
    • Lady Bird Deeds are typically used for real estate properties and may not be suitable for other types of assets.

Relevant Websites:

  1. Example Law Firm
  2. Trustworthy Estate Planning
  3. Estate Solutions Now